Lookup Your Student ID Number

To find your Student ID, you must enter your Social Security Number and your Birthdate and then click "Lookup".

NOTE: Before you can use your Student ID to register for classes, you must first be a current student, or submit an application. If you are unable to find your Student ID, please contact the Records and Admissions office at your college.

1. Enter your 9-digit Social Security Number:

   Example: 123456789 (no dashes or spaces)

2. Enter your birthdate: Month Day Year

3. Enter the text from above:
    If you are unable to read the image, you may use the audio version.

4. Only click this button once.

This Lookup Service is Available 7:00 AM - 11:30 PM PST (Sundays 9:00 AM)
Current California Time: 5:29 a.m.
Saturday, February 22, 2025